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Dance reports year 2000

Danspalats 2000 Kulturhuset


At last this millennium event arrived. The event had since long been prepared for by those of us working with computers, as well as by the mass media.

Kulturhuset did also honour the event by arranging a dancing palace for the second time, with several orchestras. Some of us warmly remembered the prior event from the EU cultural capital year 1998.

As we had been dancing the preceding evening, combined with that the work with securing the switch of millennium did not allow for much sleep, we were a little worn already when we arrived. So it felt nice to start the evening with a splendid buffet containing for example fish and shellfish.

At 9 the dance started. This night three orchestras were playing. Streaplers were playing modern dance music, Alfredo de la Fé played Salsa, and Jennie Löbel and Swing Kings played jazz and swing music. As a complement there were three dance floors with recorded music.

We visited all dance floors, but spent most of the time with Jennie Löbel and Swing Kings, and the Streaplers. Both the orchestras play well, and the dance floors were large enough and had a reasonable glide.

When there was a pause at these places we also visited the floors with disc jockeys. Deja Vu had a rather small dance floor, the music when we were there was very danceable. According to the advertisement they played here jazz, funk, soul and rare groove. At the Culturhouse it was disco, we did not dance there. On Plaza Tropical it was probably samba when we visited, something that I can not dance and thus avoided.

We were also twice visiting Alfredo de la Fé. As previously at salsa events I found the sound level painful, for that reason the visits there were short.

To sum up, the evening was fun and well worth remembering (and also physically demanding), with the swing dancing favoured.

But in comparison with the previous dance at the Cultural Capital Year the event was more limited. At the previous event the swing was mixed with all sorts of music, e.g. Latin American dances and Wiener waltz, it was then also tango, polskor and gammaldans.

Trollrike Spelmän, Bagarmossens FH

Jan 15, 2000

Bygdedansens Vänner arranged a dance with Trollrike Spelmän. The legs were already tired by long-distance skating when we arrived. As the floor was a little rough in the beginning, the start of the dance was refractory. After a while the floor improved, and by then the tired legs were forgotten.

Trollrike Spelmän play gammaldans and bondpolskor. It also works well to dance hambo to their bondpolskor. They did also include a few slängpolska and Bingsjö-polska.

The attendance was ok, possibly a little too crowded a few times.

The ticket price was increased to 100:-. We were told the reason to this was increased rental.

According to what we heard, it will now be necessary for some dance organisations to reconsider their activities or seek new locations because of increased rent prices.

Kallhäll Folk Music Festival

Jan 22, 2000

Despite the well known problems with the local trains in winters, we had no serious problems going to Kallhälls Folkets Hus, where we arrived at 5:30. We did not join the show, but did only dance. In the beginning it was reasonably with space on the dance floor. Once again we noticed that the floor, despite that it is located in a sparse environment and just has a plastic mat, is very good for dancing - smooth, slippery and elastic. And the room is rather well ventilated.

When the dance opened it was mostly gammaldans. When Wallmans Polskekvartett played the room was jammed, and the dancing became problematic. But the music was very nice, with very danceable polskor from Southern Dalarna and Siljan.

We then took a break for coffee and a round in the house. Besides small groups playing in every corner, there were fiddlers and 'nyckelharpor' on the second floor, melodeons and coffee on the third, and accordions and coffee on the fourth.

When we visited the fourth floor it was modern music in the coffee bar. As it was space but no dancers there, we had a very enjoyable turn round the room with jitterbug and foxtrot. It was also a larger group with accordions outside the coffee bar, but with no space for dance.

The last announced dance at the ground floor was 10 - 10:30 with Väduren, a gang playing very nice gammaldans with mostly melodeons. It was a nice ending of a nice dance evening

Nalens Vänner, NalenClassics

Jan 27, 2000

Approximately once a month the organisation Nalens Vänner arrange dance events with jazz music at Nalen. This was our first visit to their dance.

In the large hall Gösta Linderholm and Trad Brothers played, in Harlem cabaret and jazz concerts alternated, and in Stacken there was a talent hunt. It was also a dance show with Kindahl's Dance School.

The audience was numerous, and mainly contained well dressed ladies and gentlemen in the upper part of the middle age. We also for a short while visited the talent hunt in Stacken, where the public was more youth.

But we were visiting to dance, and spent most of the time in the large ball room. At the start it was space to dance, and we danced some spirited dances to Gösta's group. Soon the floor became crowded, especially when Ballroom Big Band played. For that reason we danced mostly foxtrot when they played.

Gösta Linderholm and Trad Brothers were inspiring, when they played it was also a little more space. If done with care, it was then possible to swing, sometimes in fast tempo.


Jan 28, 2000

It was a long time since we last visited Mälparingen. This evening Yvonne and Torbjörn were instructing polskor from the south part of Dalarna, and we found that to be a good reason to do something about that.

It was nice to see the place again. Most things was as they use to be, the dance now ended 21:50 instead of 22:00. It was also rather many visitors, which Yvonne and Torbjörn seemed to enjoy. And so we did - we got a nice dance evening.

Boda/Bingsjö at Sollentuna Library

Jan 29, 2000

This evening, when Boda/Bingsjö and Edsbacka Spelmän played, it was less crowded. Possibly those arranging the dance had hoped for the same number of visitors as on their previous dance, but the lowered attendance gave better possibilities to dance. The temperature was also more comfortable.

Despite this there was a little jammed especially when dancing Bodapolska, Orsapolska and Bondpolska. The reason for this might be that some (e.g. me) dance these dances with a distinct movement forwards, while others, especially on the walking steps, move slower.

The evening was disposed with the two orchestras alternating. Boda/Bingsjö mainly played polskor but also a little gammaldans and tango, while Edsbacka Spelmän mainly played gammaldans but with a few polskor.

It was a nice dance evening, with good music and nice people to dance with.


Jan 30, 2000

It is not possible to write about all dance events we visit, but for this weekend everything will be covered. So on the 'resting day' it is time to visit Mälarsalen, with a floor that I and many with me have worn during the past years.

The 'new' floor is still there, while a forgotten number of worn shoes have been sent to kingdom come. The floor is not new any more, but that is obviously as true for many of us who still wear it.

The floor is however still one of the best. It is as usually with loss of fluids and a feeling of macaroni that, after four hours of uninterrupted dance to Bålsta Dragspelsgille and Gideons, it is time to put the head on the pillow and start preparing for a new week.

Falu Spelmanslag at Skeppis

Feb 18, 2000

After a cold it was nice to go out dancing again, this time to Falu Spelmanslag. My oldest memory with this group might have been from Skeppis, where a cheerful lot made a performance. For example I remember a melody where one of the musicians accompanied using a cap pistol.

After that we have of course danced to the group a few times, and this evening we did once again experience that the group is both youth and plays with zest. This evening someone told us there were 37 musicians visiting.

They started with half an hour with concert, and at least we who sat at the front got the feeling that we were sitting in the middle of the music.

After the concert the dance started, and it got of course crowded and hot. Falu Spelmanslag plays mostly polskor, especially polskor from Rättvik. But also other polskor from Dalarna were frequent. During the evening there were also a few gammaldanser.

The audience seemed to enjoy the evening, the crush on the dance floor lasted all evening.

Nalen, Jumpin' Jive Seven

Feb 20, 2000

We had not fully recovered from a cold, and avoided for that reason to use the long-distance skates this weekend. For that reason it felt good to dance in the evenings. The previous evening we were dancing to Stockholms Spelmanslag, and now ended the evening with dancing swing at Nalen.

When we arrived at 6, the dance instructions had just ended. We were happy to find that the orchestra played very well, and the number of dancers was just right. Our skills have probably improved since the first time we visited Nalen, but it is still nice to be one in the crowd, providing there is still space enough to dance.

The orchestra played a nice mixture of slower and faster melodies. When the pace increases, one gets painfully reminded about all the evenings that have not been spent in the jogging track.

But one can always try to believe that the previous cold has temporarily decreased the performance...

To some of the slow melodies it was ok to dance foxtrot. More than one litre of water was needed to survive the evening.

Mälarsalen, Westlings and Mac Olssons

Feb 27, 2000

Westlings spelmän are among the best groups playing gammaldans. To dance hambo when they are playing is something to remember.

During the first one and a half hour, between 5 and 6.30 I did not even take the time to go and drink water, to avoid missing any dance.

The floor was a little too stiff, but reasonable to dance on.

When Mac Olssons started playing, I took at last time for visiting the water tap. Sometimes I can feel that modern dance can feel a little tame, but when the music also contains rock and gammaldans it is more enjoyable.

In the pause Westlings played once again, and after that we had some more dance with Mac'en playing. When we left 9.15 they were playing the first tango for the evening, something that we thus missed.


Mar 11, 2000

Kollijox is not one of the more well known dance music groups. It was thus with a feel of uncertainty we visited this dance. We wanted to find out both the sound of the group, and if it could entice a public.

When the dance started it was not many visitors, but the first waltzes where very nice. After a couple of dances the number of visitors had increased, so the feeling of emptiness soon disappeared.

Mostly the orchestra played well. They played more polskor than is usual for the dances at Alvik, with one dance (two polskor) of Bingsjö, Orsa, Bondpolska and Sörmländsk slängpolska.

Regarding the polskor the performance was a little disharmonic - e.g. the Orsapolskor were fine, the first slängpolska we found appropriate for Orepolska, while the Bingsjöpolskor were played at a furious speed.

The girl I then danced with had got some trash in her eye, but with the speed we danced the wind made her eyes clear in no time.

As a summary, it was a nice evening. It seemed as others had the same feeling, it was relatively much people there when the orchestra on overtime played the last waltzes. The last waltz was so slow that we tried to use what we remembered of modern waltz.

Hallunda Folkets Hus

Mar 14, 2000

This Tuesday Slagsta Gille and Towe Widerbergs played once again in Hallunda. After the boring trip with the underground train, we were met by a brimful parking place, cars parked along one of the sides of the main road - probably allowed on Tuesdays - and substantial queues both at the entrance and the cloakroom.

Our memory of the previous visit made us not have much expectations of the modern dance. Perhaps this was the reason to that we found it pleasant. The dancing hall is among the best in Stockholm, airy and with a nice smooth dance floor , with better glide than for example Mälarsalen.

Despite that the hall is quite big, it was limited space on the floor.

We felt as the evening had just started when Slagsta Gille took over, after one and a half hour.

Fortunately it was then more space on the dance floor. The sound arrangements were not good during this first half hour. Despite this it was a nice dance.

After coffee, there was more modern dance and one further lovely half hour with Slagsta Gille - with better trimming of the sound this time.

Jesses Jassklubb

Mar 15, 2000

Ages ago I went to a dance at Mariahissen. When we now once again visited this locale, my memory of the place did not at all agree with reality. We had planned to also join the dance course before the dance, but time was too limited.

When we arrived just after 8 the course had just ended, and Hasse Ling and his Syncopators of Swing had started playing. The dancing room lies side by side with a room with some plain tables. The rooms are separated by a fire wall with two open doors. The dancing room is of moderate size, has wooden floor and some windows with a beautiful view of Riddarfjärden.

The music of course consisted of jazz. When the slower melodies were played, I would have preferred to use my very limited knowledge of slowfox. That was however not possible because the floor was then filled up with Lindy Hop dancers. At best it was then possible to dance ordinary foxtrot.

The faster melodies had a very nice swing pace, and by then it was also more space on the floor.

To sum up, this was an unpretentious and nice way to spend and evening.

Mälarsalen Bugg Evening

Mar 24, 2000

It was some time since we last visited one of the Mälarsalen Bugg events. As previously, one of the first impressions was that the average age of the dancers was much lower than we are used to. My feeling is that the composition of the dancers was similar when I started to dance - a mix of dancers of all ages, where those from the first half of the life have the majority.

Another thought from this evening is which role the music has for those visiting the dance. As I remember the music from the evenings with bugg we have visited, it differs from the modern dance music played other evenings.

According to the advertising the tempo is higher, something that I do not agree with. On the contrary, this evening I was wishing for at least a few melodies played with high pace, and have also the feeling that the modern dance music played on the gammaldans evenings sometimes use higher pace. But the music has a different sound - without being able to explain it, the music has a more modern sound.

The evening was well attended. Despite this it was enough with space on the dance floor, but later in the evening it was difficult to dance at least to the faster melodies.

Söderringen at Bagarmossens FH

Mar 25, 2000

This was our first visit to a dance arranged by Söderringen. The music was provided by Bas, Fiol & Drag playing gammaldans, and Ellika Frisell playing polskor for one hour.

Bas, Fiol & Drag opened the dance with straight gammaldans music. Despite some whirling traditional costume-skirts, there had been room for more dancers.

After about one hour the dance was interrupted and replaced by joint dances - gillesdans, engelskor and dancing games.

The biggest dancing challenge for the evening was undoubtedly the dance to Ellika Frisell. Although she avoided some of her wildest and crooked polskor, her technical skills combined with her power of insight makes always the dancing to an adventure. Moreover she does not make it easier for herself nor for us dancers by keeping a high pace. She played mostly polskor, but one or two gammaldans where also included.

After that there was more gammaldans and another session with joint dances. The evening was ended with Långdans from Sollerön.

Finnish Tango at Stadsmuseet

Mar 30, 2000

The City Museum were arranging a Finish tango event with dance and a brief instruction for a couple of hours on a Thursday evening. According to their announcements there were more dances to come, with the same concept but other themes.

We expected a moderate number of visitors, and were quite surprised that although we arrived well before the dance started, we were among the last to get a ticket.

The members of the music group - Emigrantkvartetten - come from Finland but are now living in Sweden. They play tango from all parts of the world, including their own home area. We would enjoy dancing to this quartet again!

The dancing room was of moderate size, but with a superb view of Strömmen.

Due to the large number of visitors, it was quite crowded on the instructions and the dance.

The dance was sometimes interrupted by shows with a dancing couple, who have been successful in competitions in Finish tango. Included in the ticket was also refreshments with juice and "salta pinnar".

The evening was a nice introduction to the weekend course in Finnish tango.

Wermdö Durspelare at Jakobsberg

Apr 7, 2000

Jakobsbergs GDV, usually arranging dance practice events on Friday evenings, arranges often once per season gammaldans in the Aspnäs school. Coffee and cakes are included in the entrance fee. As with most GDV events, the dance floor is used as coffee room in the pause.

In many cases Westlings Spelmän have played at these events, but they had cancelled this time. So this evening Wermdö Durspelare were hired.

Possibly the number of visitors was sligthly reduced due to the switch of orchestra. But it was still a well attended dance, with plenty of very good dancing.

Everyone I talked to expressed their assessment with the dance and the music.

Apr 8, 2000

Dalaföreningens Spelmanslag, 60-years' jubilee

60 years is a very respectable time frame, well worth celebrating with a jubilee.

Dalaföreningens Spelmanslag did so by arranging a dance at the Music Museum. It was a festive view seeing the spelmanslag opening the dance, with many beautiful national costumes and a very nice sound.

The group played for one hour at a time. Björn Ståbi, who has been a member since he was a child, played and told stories in between.

The music contained about two thirds of very danceable polskor, mainly from Dalarna. The remaining dances were gammaldans.

Björn Ståbi played also mainly polskor, but also some gammaldans that had been played by the spelmanslag during the passed years.

The dance ended at 11.30. In the cloakroom afterwards we could listen on some dancers that seemed rather fagged out.

Stjults, Dalaföreningen 60 years jubilee at Musikmuséet. The earliest dance picture of me and Ellika?

Polskedansarna (was the intention...)

Apr 13, 2000

It was more than a year since we last visited Polskedansarna. When we this evening intended to repair that, we found that the dance was cancelled, and replaced by a meeting between politicians and the public, discussing the future for Folkets Hus. The local government seemed to plan to pack it in.

We stayed not long, but got the impression that the politicians expressed that to get the activity self-contained, they would have to take rents that they did not believe that they could get.

The evening was still interesting. We got the idea that the dance was moved, and checked a place nearby where we had danced earlier. But there it was oriental dance. An acquaintance then suggested that the dance might be moved to Bagarmossen FH. He had a car and gave us a lift. In that place it was dance as well, with Skördegillet.

The dancing floors that currently exist in Stockholm seem to be much used.

Sollentuna GDV

Apr 14, 2000

Sollentuna GDV arranges dance in Rotebro some Fridays.

They use a mixture with 1 modern + 1 gammaldans all through the evening. I find this mixture more varied than the mixture with 2 modern + 2 gammaldans.

This evening Gideons from Eskilstuna played. The modern melodies were played with a restful pace.

The dance floor in Rotebro is smooth and delicious. This evening it was also reasonably with space, so there were good possibilities to fully enjoy the dance floor.

Sollentuna Library

Apr 15, 2000

The dance in Sollentuna was at this event preceeded by a concert with the Boda-Bingsjö group. The audience at the concert was well attended. After the concert there was a pause for just over half an hour before the dance.

The dance floor was sluggish, despite attempts to improve it with coffee powder. At the beginning of the dance it was also crowded, but after a while there was more room for dance.

Örjansringen with Hasse Svedbergs

Apr 20, 2000

Hasse Svedbergs played on Maundy Thursday in Alvik. When the dance started it was both sparse with visitors and a sluggish dance floor. Both these matters were however improved after a while.

Hasse Svedberg brings mostly a feeling of joy. It seems as he enjoys playing to dance, and that this is infectious to the dancers. And so it was this evening.

There has previously been a few polskor on the dances with Örjansringen - the orchestras bring with them their repertoire. As Hasse Svedbergs normally also play modern music, there was this evening some modern dances as well.

Many of those dancing gammaldans also like dancing polska and modern dance. Probably there were some visitors this evening that were not that accustomed to foxtrot and tango, but that enjoyed trying some new dance steps.

Wermdö Durspelare, Hemmesta

Apr 28, 2000

When we arrived just before 8, there was a little queue at the entrance, a queue that lasted for a substantial part of the evening. Some of the visitors were visiting for the first time.

When the dance started the floor was very rough. After a while coffee powder was applied. After this the floor was ok for the rest of the evening.

As there was more visitors than usual, there was also less space on the dance floor, but it did not seriously affect the dancing.

At the coffee break there was a shortage of chairs and coffee cups, something that was solved by borrowing chairs from the stage and using paper-drinking cups. We also heard that the tickets were sold out, but that was just as good, because the date on the tickets for the next dance event was wrong.

The evening was ended far to soon, even though we got an extra hambo at the end, partly with solo music with mouth-organ. Wermdö Durspelare always seem to enjoy to play to dance, but I believe they looked even more happy this evening.

Norrtelje Elitkapell, Sollentuna Bibliotek

May 20, 2000

There are a few orchestras that I remember from when I started to dance, and that still are active. Norrtelje Elitkapell is one of those, and I still like listening to their music. Thus I was looking forward to an one hour long concert with them.

This evening the group contained four members. Three musicians altered between different instruments, Puma played nyckelharpa (hurdy-gurdy?).

The music contained polskor and gammaldans from Uppland, mixed with some melodies from Finland and USA. The instruments used were nyckelharpa, violin, guitar, double-bass, piano, clarinets, accordion and soprano saxophone.

As you can guess when knowing the instruments, the concert was a nice mix of traditional melodies with some with a more modern touch.

When the dance started there was less with people and good room for dance. The dance was mainly gammaldans, but mixed with slängpolskor and bondpolskor. When Edsbacka Spelmän were playing, there was also a few Boda- and Orsapolskor. Towards the end of the evening, Norrtelje Elitkapell were playing more of their early repertoire, and also one tango.

The evening is a nice memory, mainly due to the enjoyable music.

Nytusan Linköping

Jun 3, 2000

Svenska Ungdomsringen Östergötland, Östergötlands Spelmansförbund and Folkmusikföreningen in Linköping organized a dance event from Friday until Saturday. Due to logistic reasons we participated only in the Saturday evening activities.

This was the first time we visited the people's amusement park in Linköping. The park is beautifully situated just opposite to the old town in Linköping, and contains several very nice dance floors.

The main building is named Cupolen, and holds winter standard, with café, toilets and a large, gorgeous dancing floor, holding the same class as the best available in Stockholm. The floor is slightly lowered, and surrounded by tables and windows on both sides, and with a stage at the farther end. The ceiling contains a large number of weak lights in various colours, and with some pendent decorations.

On this floor Casanovas were playing modern music, with bugg and occasionally rock-'n'-roll.

Rotundan is a rather large dance floor. It is built-in but without any heating plant. The dance floor is excellent, with a central pillar and surrounded by tables. Among those playing here, we remember Öra spelmän, Falu Spelmanslag and Stockholms Spelmanslag.

'Logen' is an outdoor dance floor, however protected by a roof. It is relatively big and with a rather good floor. Here Kal-Kagges and Westlings spelmän were alternating.

The Yellow Pavilion had a nice, although when we were there rough, dance floor in the open, with a stage with a roof. We were told there were slängpolskor at the floor above. We did however only inspect the floor there before the dance had begun.

We did not visit Cupan, but understood that it was possible to dance there as well. In the evening this was used as a musicians' pub.

There was also dance below the main stage. According to the programme, it was used for disco dance for youth and children.

At the main stage Orsa Spelmän had a concert. We preferred to dance and did thus not visit that building.

For those still seeking something else, there was also a temporary dancing floor for the evening. Besides some small orchestras this place was mainly used for Argentinean tango.

With all these dancing possibilities, it was not possible to stay long at any place if everything should be covered. When the dance started at 6 only Öra were playing, and they played well. As most visitors then were attending the concert, it was good space on the floor. After that we visited Kal-Kagges, that seemed to alternate with one gammaldans and one briefly instructed joint dance. We enjoyed the dance when we visited this floor.

Falu Spelmanslag played as usually mainly polskor, e.g. pols and various polskor from Dalarna. Despite it was a cool evening it was rather hot to dance under the roof, so it was pleasant and fun to vary with some solo dance on open air dance floor, that for the time being was empty.

After a coffee break we danced some dances to Casanovas, among others a very enjoyable rock and jitterbug dance. When the breathing was back to normal we danced to Westlings, which as always is very pleasant. As entr'acte dance we choose Argentinean tango.

The evening was rounded up with some polskor with Stockholms Spelmanslag. If we had not to worry about the travel back to Stockholm, we would have been delighted to continue dancing.

Night-watch with polskor

Jun 21, 2000

Skansen had for the second time all-night open during the shortest night of the year, with modern dance in the evening and polskor with gammaldans beginning around midnight.

The modern dance music was from the 60's. When the dance started at 8 it was not many visitors on the dance floor. That is perhaps not surprising when the dance will go on all night. The dance was very enjoyable, and the audience increased all the time.

For us who do not want to stay awake all night the modern session was the main part of the dance.

After one hour without any dancing activities, there was an instruction of polska at Bollnästorget. The dancing floor was nicely decorated, with lighting all round.

Unfortunately there were some drops of rain just before midnight, making the floor rough and unpleasant.

Inside, in the barn, the dance started at the same time, with two fiddlers and one recorder. The room was crowded and the floor was very unpleasant. Despite the rough floor it was a pleasure to watch all the dancers, of all ages. It was as a picture of the dance from when I started to dance.

Although we felt that the dance almost had not started, we left the dance to catch the last ferry at 1. Possibly others can report from the reminding part of the dance.

I would like to thank Skansen for this nice event, and hope it will reappear in coming years.

Gideons at Hågelby

Jun 27, 2000

There was at least two years since we last visited Hågelby. That was the reason to that we went to there this evening, despite the weather. It was cool and with some rain in the air. Fortunately there were no drops of rain on the dance floor, and it stayed slippery all evening.

Hågelby is a very beautiful park, and it is a very nice environment for dance during good weather conditions.

On Tuesdays the events contain some gammaldans - 2m + 1g before pause, 3m + 1g after. This means that for those liking gammaldans, it is slightly better than the Tuesday events at Skansen.

We were told by other dancers that it was considerably less visitors than usual this evening. As I like to have some space when dancing, I liked the size of the audience. Despite the weather it was a nice dance in a beautiful environment.

Lill-Stickans at Skansen

Jul 7, 2000

This Thursday was the first evening this summer without rain on the gammaldans event at Skansen. It is always nice to dance gammaldans at Bollnästorget in good weather with a dry dancing floor.

Lill-Stickans were playing, and, as previous summers, they played well. They explained during the dance that they like to play on Skansen, which we dancers also could feel.

There seem often to be less visitors at the gammaldans compared with the modern dance. That does not necessarily mean that the dance is less enjoyable.

I often find it difficult to dance on a full dance floor, and it is not necessarily easier to find nice people to dance with. On the Thursday evening there were both nice people to dance with, and enough with space for the dance.

Stockholms Spelmanslag at Skansen

Aug 10, 2000

After our holidays we were back to Skansen, both on the event with polskor on Wednesday and the gammaldans on Thursday. Both evenings were well attended, with good weather and enjoyable dance.

On Thursday Stockholms Spelmanslag were playing gammaldans. In the pause there were also dance with polskor from Jämtland.

I found the music better than expected.

At most events Stockholms Spelmanslag plays mainly polskor. They have now included a clarinet, which I appreciate in folk music.

Even though the gammaldans repertoire was almost too limited, and some of the melodies were played slightly too fast, the main impression was very good.

With good music, splendid weather, a smooth dancing floor and many to dance with, it was a nice evening in the early stages of the August dusk .

Dingtunas Spelmän at Skansen

Aug 15, 2000

On Monday we visited a dance with Leif Kronlund, but did not stay for long. The main reason was that we found the dance floor too crowded. But we would also have preferred some more variation of the music, including some faster melodies.

On Tuesday we were back, and had a nice dance evening with mainly modern dance, with Dingtunas Spelmän playing.

Although the group played gammaldans each fourth melody, that is not their strength.The modern music they play however very nice, with a nice instrument mix, nice melodies and varied speed.

They also played some tango, and - as the only group I can remember - also one wiener-waltz. There was less visitors compared with the previous evening, which was appreciated, giving more room for dance.


Sep 22, 2000

We were was once again visiting a dance at the Hemmesta rural community centre, with Wermdö Durspelare playing. The floor was rough when the dance opened, but some coffee strewed over the floor improved the situation.

The music was as usually nice.

We appreciated also the finish family schottishe that we so far only have met here. As previously most visitors stayed until the dance ended.


Sep 24, 2000

Sigtuna Spelmän and Löpsjötorparn's opened the the autumn season with gammaldans. Outside it was very pleasant weather, sunny and warm.

Possibly this was the reason to that the number of visitors was less than usual. Those who had stayed at their summer places missed an enjoyable dance event, where both the orchestras contributed.

As usual the dance started with gammaldans for one and a half hour, with Sigtuna Spelmän who played many nice melodies.

Löpsjötorparn's then continued, and they played very nice, both the gammaldans and the modern dance.

During the dance one of those I danced with told me that Tage Öst no longer is a member of the orchestra.

Despite this they played very nice. On the gammaldans afterwards three musicians were playing accordion, and seemed to have as fun as we dancers. It was with tired legs we left the dance after four and a half hours' dance.

Frifot at the Music Museum

Oct 10, 2000

We visited this evening one of Danshuset's events, for the first time for quite some time. During the autumn they have had a few dances at the Music Museum. This floor has more space compared with those used previously. This evening Frifot, with Lena Willermark, Ale Möller and Per Gudmundsson, were playing.

When we arrived the dance had already started. Compared with most other dances described on this site, the audience was younger.

The music contained mainly of polskor, especially those with a fast second beat.

A few times other polskor were also played, as Rättvik and Bingsjö. There were also a few waltzes and one or two schottishe, stjults and slängpolska. To one of the slängpolskor almost everyone danced långdans.

Lena was singing to a few of the melodies. In the pause a couple of the youth people played, with similar repertoire.

The youth audience was very enthusiastic. Especially the fast polskor, such as pols. were appreciated. It was a nice evening, with skilled musicians, good dancing floor and youth public.

Westlings at Örjansringen

Nov 4, 2000

Westlings' gammaldans music, including their Bingsjö-polskor, must be considered as being among the best dance music available.

These musicians combine a smooth and enjoyable pacewith musicality and a nice repertoire. Westlings suites both those wanting to dance in accordance with tradition, and those who like to vary the dance.

When these musicians are playing at a place with an excellent floor, enough with space and with a public keen on dancing, the dance will with no doubt be great.

This evening I came to the dance alone, as Ellika had got a cold. The number of visitors was pretty good, and during the evening it was just one or two dances that I missed.

For those not preferring to have a coffee break at the pause, there was dance singing games, a Landskronakadrilj and finally family waltz and family schottishe.

By regularly visiting the water tap I was able to stay at power until the last hambo.


Dec 10, 2000

Slagsta Gille and GePe were playing on the last dance for the year on Mälarsalen. When Slagsta Gille started with a waltz at 5 pm, the group was larger (33 musicians) than the number of dancers. As usually this changed fairly soon, and the attendance was as usual. It is nice to dance to a large group of musicians. I heard also other dancers who expressed their appreciation.

When GePe later started the mixed dance (modern + gammaldans) they did so with melodies that in my ears seemed to be lately written.

During the evening they played also a few old hits, but the late music dominated. I found their gammaldans to be ok.

At 8 p.m. Lucia arrived. The very youth Lucia procession from the previous years was this time replaced by teenagers, that also got some more time for their appearances. Their songs were very beautiful, but I found it disturbing that the audience occasionally applauded between the songs.

As always, this event contained a lot of dance.

Westlings at Jakobsbergs GDV

Dec 29, 2000

At last, with the Christmas holiday, we got colder weather, allowing for a small skating trip on the lakes. Despite this we had now a feeling that an involuntary dance pause at last was brought to an end.

This feeling seemed to be shared with many others! The dance floor at Aspnässkolan was full. We were told it was more attendees than previously this autumn. As a consequence the dance floor was crowded, influencing the dance.

But it is at the same time nice to see that evenings with only gammaldans still can please a numerous public.

Westlings music was as always very nice. Besides gammaldans there was also one Bingsjöpolska, one Bodapolska and one tango.

There was almost as tight on the dance floor when the dance ended at 11:30 pm.

Leif-Billyz at Örjansringen

Dec 30, 2000

When the year is on the way out, it is tradition to visit Örjansringen and the dance in Alvik. This year's edition was splendid. Leif-Billyz were playing, mostly gammaldans but also some polskor. The mazurka was played more frequently than what we are used to, but in easy pace, well suited for hambopolkett.

Probably it is the tradition from Sörmland with this dance that also have got the nicknames "gubbstöt" (old man's thrust) and "rumpedarra" (tremble from the back) that we got a taste of.

The floor was in the very beginning a little dull, but that feeling quickly disappeared when the dance started.

The number of visitors was probably about 200. Among these there were some old acquaintances, but also some new and some younger dancers.

In the pause it was traditionally danslekar for those not preferring to "fika" (coffee/tea pause). At the family waltz and family schottishe that always finish off this part of the dance, there were two full rings of dancers around the dancing floor.

We were on the dance floor from the first dance to the last. Despite this there were many old acquaintances I had not time to dance with. When we danced segla to the last waltz played in slow pace, I had a strong feeling of gratefulness for all the joy of dancing and nice memories experienced in Alvik.

Dance to Leif-Billyz at Alvik

Dances visited 2000

Su 02 JanTangostuga. Engelska 18, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 02 JanLöpsjötorparn'sGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan***
We 05 JanVärmdöBrisarna. Buffe, anmäl senast 3/1wgd/wdgWärmdö Bygdegård
We 05 JanMats BergmansMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 08 JanSpelmansstämma 12:00 - 17:00Bygdedansens vännerBrygghuset
Sa 08 JanCurt HagersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 09 JanJuniorsGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 09 JanTierps spelmanslag + LöpsjötorparnsMälarsalenMälarsalen***
Su 09 JanVals, Hambopolska FöllingeFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 11 JanCavalkadHallunda FHHallunda FH
Th 13 JanLeksandslåt. Alm Nils E.PolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 14 JanSchottis, Rupolska FöllingeFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 14 JanJacksSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena*
Fr 14 JanSound ExpressMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 15 JanTrollrike SpelmänBygdedansens vännerBagarmossen FH***
Sa 15 JanStreaplersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 16 JanSchottis. Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 18 JanMicke AhlgrensHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 19 JanBörjes SpelgängEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
Th 20 JanMotionsdans, Sigtuna SpelmänSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 20 JanGangar o springar. Berg P.PolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 21 JanDanser fr. Föllinge. Massa o AnnMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 21 JanÖRA (uppländskt)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 21 JanWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård***
Fr 21 JanBoogart (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 22 JanSpelmans-stämma 13:00 -23:00Ulvsättra BgfKallhälls FH***
Sa 22 JanTrollrike spelmän med gäster-Vendels Bygdegård
Sa 22 JanJacks med Trosa-LasseGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 22 JanLöpsjötorparnTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 22 JanJuniorsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 23 JanCavalkadGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 23 JanMona G'sHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 23 JanHambo, Rörospols. Ev polska 16:30 engelsFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 23 JanDriftersYesterdayYesterday
Tu 25 Jan-Dancing ForeverKristinehovs Malmg.
Tu 25 JanJacksHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 26 JanStråkdragetEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 26 JanNyckelknippanGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 26 JanJennie L o Swing Kings (kurs 18)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 27 JanSpelmansstämma 13:00 - 23:00-Kallhälls FH
Th 27 JanNalen Classics (Nalens vänner)Nalens VännerNalen***
Th 27 JanMotionsdans, Hasse SvedbergSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 27 JanRättvikspolska. Ulla o Lennart S.PolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 28 JanSödra Dalarna. Yvonne o TorbjörnMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH***
Fr 28 JanPeriklesMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 28 JanMats BergmansYesterdayYesterday
Sa 29 JanBoda-BingsjöSollentuna KulturSollentuna Bibliotek*****
Sa 29 JanDansfestmix.Väsen o arg. Tango diskoOmåttlig dansNalen
Sa 29 JanBerth IdoffsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 30 JanMogen DansSamiNalen
Su 30 JanKvaddans, Tango 18, Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 30 JanBålsta Dragspelsgille + GideonsMälarsalenMälarsalen***
Tu 01 FebModernt, bugg o litet gammaltDancing ForeverKristinehovs Malmg.
Tu 01 FebGideonsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 02 FebNacka låtkvintettEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 02 FebBygdens BlandningGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 02 FebStolen Sweats (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 03 FebTrinn-polska fr Högsäter, Storpolska VemPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 04 FebNorrsken - Världsmusikfest 4-5 februari-Falun Folkets hus
Fr 04 FebKollijox (inkl. träning Snoa)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 04 FebKall, Mattmar, Oviken. Eva o TommyMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 04 FebBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 04 FebEllika Frisell, Magnus S (stacken)DanshusetNalen, Stacken
Fr 04 FebLöpsjötorparn'sSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 04 FebWahlströms (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Fr 04 FebThe Jive Aces i HarlemSamiNalen
Sa 05 FebSpelmans-stämma. Dans fr 17:00TiGGnesta Elektron
Sa 05 FebMalungs spelmanslag, Orsa spelmanslagOrsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 05 FebWestlings spelmänÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus
Sa 05 FebTowe WiderbergMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 05 FebThe Jive Aces i HarlemSamiNalen
Su 06 FebTango, Snoa 18, Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 06 FebJacksGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 06 FebChiquitaHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 06 FebNick BorgensYesterdayYesterday
Tu 08 FebModernt, bugg o litet gammaltDancing ForeverKristinehovs Malmg.
Tu 08 FebJuniorsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 09 FebHuddinge DragspelsklubbEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 09 FebMalmabygdens B-lagGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 09 FebAnders L o jazzen anfaller (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 10 FebMotionsdans, Hasse SvedbergSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 10 FebSamdans o Lyhördhet. Andreas BPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 11 FebHasse Swedbergs (inkl träning Schottis)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 11 FebDanser från Hälsingland. ToreMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 11 FebGood Timers, Cleo m GrabbarnaSamiNalen
Fr 11 FebZlipsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 11 FebThorGöransYesterdayYesterday
Sa 12 FebWermdö Dursp, Hjulåkers, Leif Billyz mflSlagsta GilleHallunda FH
Sa 12 FebSödra Latin på NalenSamiNalen
Sa 12 FebGamla polare m. Ludgo-PelleGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 12 FebSannexMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 13 FebOcean Wawes - Square dance B40,M,Plus,A1SamiNalen
Su 13 FebHyfsa/Bakmes Föllinge, Polska KallFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola*
Tu 15 FebGlenn EndysHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 16 FebOlavis TrioEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 16 FebLundgrens LagerGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 16 FebJambalaya (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
We 16 FebLatin Dance - Bebo Valdés o KMH Jazz orcSamiNalen
Th 17 FebMotionsdans, Bro LåtgilleSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 17 FebRörospols. Kerstin A o Henry J. ÅrsmötePolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 18 FebBålsta Dragspelsgille (inkl träning ValsGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 18 FebÅrsmöte med dansMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 18 FebFalu SpelmanslagFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola***
Fr 18 FebWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård
Fr 18 FebHjältarna (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 19 FebDans- och spelmansstämmaSolna KulturskolaHuvudsta gamla skola
Sa 19 FebFolkoFolk. Workshop, Reaggae,rai,son etcSelam/RFoDNalen
Sa 19 FebSthlm Spelm.lag o Hans Röjås. Kurs 17:00Stockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet**
Sa 19 FebJacksTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 19 FebMartinezMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 20 FebJontesGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 20 FebGul o BlåHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 20 FebMac OlssonsFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 20 FebVals. Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 20 FebJumpin Jive Seven (kurs 17:00)SamiNalen
Su 20 FebTonixYesterdayYesterday
Tu 22 FebNordbergsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 23 FebDalaföreningens SpelmanslagEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 23 FebPlayboysGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 23 FebHarlem Jazz Camels (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 24 FebKlackpolska, Senpolska Torp. Uffe o IrenPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 25 FebNalenClassics - Peo Jönis, Jumping JacksNalens VännerNalen
Fr 25 FebBas, Fiol o Drag (inkl träning Mazurka)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 25 FebLillhärdal, Hede. Anita o UlfMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 25 FebMac Olssons / ÅrsmöteSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 25 FebWahlströmsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 25 FebStreaplersYesterdayYesterday
Sa 26 FebMicke AhlgrensMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 26 FebLas Vegas Dance NightSamiNalen
Su 27 FebMogen dans - RospiggarnaSamiNalen
Su 27 FebParhalling, Tango, Bondp. (Karin Ellge)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 27 FebWestlings + Mac OhlssonsMälarsalenMälarsalen*****
Su 27 FebJennie Löbel o Swing kings (kurs 17:00)SamiNalen
Tu 29 FebMickeysHallunda FHHallunda FH
Tu 29 FebSkärholmens DragspelsklubbSkärholmens dragsp.klJakobsb.gård,Bredäng
We 01 MarSvartlösa SpelmänEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 01 MarHjulåkers SpelmänGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 01 MarJazzin' Topzies (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 02 MarMotionsdans, Wermdö DurspelareSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena**
Th 02 MarGammalvänster m.fl. Marianne F o Yngve ÅPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 03 MarRöros, Idre m.fl. Ulla o LennartMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 03 MarBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 03 MarCurt T, Olov J mflDanshusetNalen, Stacken
Fr 03 MarJannez (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 04 Mar-Orsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 04 MarVildvittrorna m.flUppsala Folkmusikfören.Uppsala Wald.skola
Sa 04 MarTorbjörnsGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan****
Sa 04 MarLöpsjötorparnsTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 04 MarMac OlssonsBro GDVFinnstasalen, Bro
Sa 04 MarFlamingo-kvintettenMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 04 MarI afton dans. Joyride, Sthlm SonerosSamiNalen
Su 05 MarTango, Gubbstöt, Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola****
Su 05 MarBengt HedinGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 05 MarCarina JaarneksHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 05 MarSöderfors BrukskapellFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 05 MarThe Royal Blue Melodians, Red WingsSamiNalen
Su 05 MarSoundersYesterdayYesterday
Tu 07 MarModernt, bugg och litet gammaltDancing ForeverKristinehovs Malmg.
Tu 07 MarMartinezHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 08 MarRaj RajEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren*
We 08 MarTeamwork Big Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 09 MarMotionsdans, Sigtuna SpelmänSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 09 MarBondpolska m.fl. Karin o EllgePolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 10 MarLöpsjötorparnsNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 10 MarBas, Fiol o Drag (inkl träning Polka)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 10 MarGästrikedanser. BennoMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH*
Fr 10 MarBoogartMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 10 MarNick BorgensYesterdayYesterday
Sa 11 MarDans till bordunmusikFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Sa 11 MarKollijoxÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus*****
Sa 11 MarLöpsjötorparnsLidingö DansgilleLidingö Källängsskol
Sa 11 MarDriftersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 12 MarSchottis, Norsklejten (Elisabeth, Bosse)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 12 MarHasse Lingl (kurs 17:00)SamiNalen
Tu 14 MarTore Widerbergs/Slagsta GilleHallunda FHHallunda FH****
We 15 MarBörjes SpelgängEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 15 MarSörmländsa Lekare (medeltida danser)Gåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 15 MarHasse L o his Sync of Swing (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen**
Th 16 MarGammeldans varianter. Manuella o StefanPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 17 MarBålsta Dragspelsgille (Snurrebocken)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 17 MarOrsapolska "ITAKT" (taktövningar)MälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 17 MarSvart KaffeFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 17 MarGamla PolareSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 17 MarWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård***
Fr 17 MarSound Express (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 18 MarBoda SpelmanslagStockholmiaBagarmossen FH****
Sa 18 MarKriminal Tango, Suave, Jord/Tre RösterOmåttlig dansNalen
Sa 18 MarDans Ljusgården (konsert 18:30)KMHFolkMusikhögskolan
Sa 18 MarBlack JackMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 19 MarKvaddans, hambo, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 19 MarMac OlssonGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 19 MarThor GöransHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 19 MarOttarsbälgarnaFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 19 MarHarlem Jazz Camels (kurs 17:00)SamiNalen
Su 19 MarSchyttsYesterdayYesterday
Tu 21 MarMicke AhlgrensHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 22 MarStråkdragetEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 22 MarUdda JämtGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 22 MarPygmé Jazz Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 23 MarMotionsdans, Bro LåtgilleSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 23 MarGammalkilspolska m.m.. Marianne o UlfPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 24 MarKollijox (inkl träning Hambo)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 24 MarGammelpolska fr KilMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 24 MarBhonusMälarsalenMälarsalen**
Fr 24 MarKindbergsYesterdayYesterday
Sa 25 MarNalenClassics - Jump4Joy m flNalens VännerNalen
Sa 25 MarBas, Fiol o Drag + Ellika FrisellSöderringenBagarmossen FH***
Sa 25 MarStockholms Spelmanslag + Caisa o DitteStockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet
Sa 25 MarMasbandetGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 25 MarFriska FläktarTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 25 MarSvenska Dansbandsmästerskapen distrikt 8Hallunda FHHallunda FH
Sa 25 MarMona G:sMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 26 MarMogen dans - Thore CallmarSamiNalen
Su 26 MarDansstuga, tango, bodapolska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 26 MarSlagsta Gille + GePe BandMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 26 MarLimeHouse Swing Orchestra (kurs 17)SamiNalen
Tu 28 MarMats BergmansHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 29 MarNacka LåtkvintettEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 29 MarPelle Plopp, Härs o TvärsGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 29 MarJanne Carlboms Swingtett (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 30 MarEmigrantkv. Finsk tango 19-21 100:-StadsmuseetStadsmuseet**
Th 30 MarMotionsdans, Hasse SvedbergSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 30 MarSörmländsk slängpolska. Christina FPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 31 MarHasse Swedbergs (på begäran)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Fr 31 MarVä-Dalarna, Norsk mazurka, Transtr, LimaMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 31 MarBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 31 MarHöilands (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 01 AprÄlvdalens spelmanslag, Orsa spelmanslagOrsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 01 AprRoslagsbälgarnaÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus**
Sa 01 AprSwingdansfest (kurs 19, Al Minns Cup 14)SamiNalen
Sa 01 AprJacksTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 01 AprThorbjörnsBro GDVFinnstasalen, Bro
Sa 01 AprSchyttsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 02 AprSigtuna Spelmän -17:30/g, Jonny's -21:00GDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 02 AprTango, polka, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 02 AprIngeZHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 02 AprÖstra Aros spelmänFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 02 AprLeif Kronlunds (OBS ej kurs)SamiNalen
Su 02 AprMicke AhlgrensYesterdayYesterday
Tu 04 AprJuniorsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 05 AprOlavis Trio (årsmöte i paus)Enskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 05 AprGnesta SpelmanslagGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 05 AprHoliday in Harlem (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 06 AprLärare,elever, konsert o dans, fri entreSundbybergs musikskolaHallonbergens skola
Th 06 AprMotionsdans, Sigtuna SpelmänSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 06 AprPolskor Alfta, Arbrå, Delsbo Eva o TommyPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Th 06 AprSalsa till La Barriada (kurs 20:00)SamiNalen
Fr 07 AprWermdö durspelare (ändrat fr Westlings)GDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan****
Fr 07 AprKungsviken, Fagernes o MellparingMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 07 AprCasanovasMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 07 AprSannexYesterdayYesterday
Sa 08 AprDalaföreningens sp.lag. Gäst Björn StåbDalafören. Spelm.lagMusikmuseet
Sa 08 AprLasse SörlinDanshusetNybrokajen 11
Sa 08 AprNick BorgensMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 09 AprSvensk folkmusik 13-15Täby spelmansgilleSkogberga Spelm.gård
Su 09 AprDet bästa mellan mor och mormorHäggarna MusikgruppÅkersberga Palatset
Su 09 AprSnoa, åtabakspolska (Elisabeth, Bosse)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 09 AprTeamwork Big Band (kurs 17)SamiNalen
Tu 11 AprJonnysHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 12 AprRaj RajEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 12 AprLeif BillyzGåsinge-Dillnäs dgGnesta Elektron
We 12 AprTommy Löbel Swing Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 13 AprHumpa m.m. Mats KPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 14 AprDanser från Värmland. Sven o Britt-MarieMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 14 AprHanna Tibell o Karin OlssonFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 14 AprGideonsSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena**
Fr 14 AprMats BergmansYesterdayYesterday
Sa 15 AprBoda/Bingsjö, Edsbacka sp. Konsert 19-20Sollentuna KulturSollentuna Bibliotek**
Sa 15 AprHanna T, Karin O m.flUppsala Folkmusikfören.Uppsala Wald.skola
Sa 15 AprRanarim, Johan Hedin + Johny Blue Orch.Omåttlig dansNalen
Sa 15 AprFolkoFolk. Sivan Perw., Hoven Droven mflSelam/RFoDMunchenbryggeriet
Sa 15 AprTimmyzGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 15 AprRoslagsbälgarnaTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 15 AprFernandozMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 16 AprHist. danser, springvals, malungspolskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 16 AprThor-BjörnsGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 16 AprCavalkadHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 16 AprQuinntäten (prel)FyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 16 AprSam Rocket and Blues Prisoners (kurs 17)SamiNalen****
Su 16 AprZlips (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Tu 18 AprGideonsHallunda FHHallunda FH
Tu 18 AprTema: Glenn MillerSkärholmens dragsp.klJakobsb.gård,Bredäng
Tu 18 AprShow (Rythm Hot Shots) och swingdansSamiNalen
We 19 AprHuddinge DragspelsklubbEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 19 AprLimehouse Swing Orchestra (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
We 19 AprShow (Rythm Hot Shots) och swingdansSamiNalen
Th 20 AprHasse SvedbergsÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus*****
Th 20 AprCleo o GrabbarnaMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 21 AprCoola KillarMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 21 AprMartinezYesterdayYesterday
Sa 22 AprKindbergsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Mo 24 AprDansstuga, engelska, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Mo 24 AprLeif Billyz + JuniorsMälarsalenMälarsalen****
Mo 24 AprDans till förmån för Rädda BarnenSamiNalen
Tu 25 AprKeith ElwinsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 26 AprDalaföreningens sp.lag (-22.30)Enskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 26 AprTommy Löbel Swing Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 27 AprSound of Swing, Bob Ellis Nat King ColeNalens VännerNalen
Th 27 AprMotionsdans, Bro LåtgilleSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 27 AprBodapolska. Ingrid o KickenPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 28 AprPyttipanna fr Mats skafferiMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 28 AprWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård*****
Fr 28 AprAvalon (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 29 AprSthlms sp.lag, Jeanette J, Per B.Kurs 17Stockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet
Sa 29 AprCurt HagersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 29 AprTowe WiderbergsYesterdayYesterday
Su 30 AprMogen Dans - RospiggarnaSamiNalen
Su 30 AprMusik, dans om vädret tillåterUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Su 30 AprJohnny Blue Orchestra (kurs 17)SamiNalen
Su 30 AprHasse SvedbergsSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Su 30 AprWahlströmsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Mo 01 MayTango, humpa, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola****
Tu 02 MayCavalkadHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 03 MayStockholms Jazzorkester (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Fr 05 MayRepetion. René o John. Obs plats!MälparingenBagarmossen FH
Fr 05 MayBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 05 MayKjell-Erik E, Simon o Olle SDanshusetNalen, Stacken
Fr 05 MayShow (Rythm Hot Shots) och swingdansSamiNalen
Fr 05 MayMats BergmansIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 05 MayBlack JackYesterdayYesterday
Sa 06 MayOrsa Spelmanslag, Stockholms spelm.lagOrsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 06 MayJonnysGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 06 MayShow (Rythm Hot Shots) och swingdansSamiNalen
Sa 06 MayWallénsTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 06 MaySpotlightsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 07 MayHambo, gammalpolska (Elisabeth, Bosse)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 07 MayHoliday in Harlem (kurs 17)SamiNalen
Tu 09 MayHans RytterströmsHallunda FHHallunda FH
Tu 09 MayMac OlssonUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge**
Tu 09 MaySkärholmens DragspelsklubbSkärholmens dragsp.klJakobsb.gård,Bredäng
We 10 MayFri entré (dansbanan ligger vid badet)Hgf&Vändelsö GammeldansgBrandbergen N.Kron.g
We 10 MaySwing and Sweet Orchestra (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Fr 12 MayBarbadosIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 12 MayToxa - Releasekonsert CD + dansSamiNalen
Fr 12 MayBoogart (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 13 MayBohlins Barnbarn o VildvittrornaUppsala Folkmusikfören.Dalbygården SV Uppsa
Sa 13 MayArtango, GroupaOmåttlig dansNalen
Sa 13 MayMats BergmansMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 13 MayPerti Niskala, finsk dansaftonYesterdayYesterday
Su 14 MaySvensk folkmusik 13-15Täby spelmansgilleSkogberga Spelm.gård
Su 14 MayKvaddans, schottis, polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 14 MayWestlings + JohnnysMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 14 MaySwing that Music (kurs 17)SamiNalen
Tu 16 MayNils AndersUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
We 17 MayDanser från Balkan, utlärningInt. FolkdansklubbenFarsta Gård
We 17 MayJennie L o Swing Kings (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Fr 19 MayBlack JackIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 19 MayJannezMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 19 MayMicke AhlgrensYesterdayYesterday
Sa 20 MayNorrtelje Elitkapell (Konsert 19-20)Sollentuna KulturSollentuna Bibliotek*****
Sa 20 MaySoundersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 21 MaySnoa, PolskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 23 MayMats Bergmans (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 23 MaySkarvarnaUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge**
We 24 MayDansbanan ligger intill badetHgf&Vändelsö GammeldansgBrandbergen N.Kron.g
We 24 MayKustbandet (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 25 MaySkyttsHågelbyHågelby
Th 25 MayVolgersSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Fr 26 MayKindbergsIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 26 MayDateMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 26 MayWahlströms (buggkväll)YesterdayYesterday
Sa 27 MayMunspelstämma (dans från 17:00)Farsta KulturkommitteFarsta Gård
Sa 27 MayHans RytterströmsDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Sa 27 MayCavalkadMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 28 MayMogen Dans - Mr ChristerSamiNalen
Su 28 MayFolkmusikträff 13-16, spontandansSthlm spelm.gilleFarsta Gård
Su 28 MayKajstämmaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 30 MayTangofestival. Sång, uppvisning, instr.-Jakobsb.gård,Bredäng
Tu 30 MayMicke Ahlgrens (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 30 MayGideonsUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 30 MayWallen o SegebladÅrstablickÅrstaliden
We 31 MaySwing That Music (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
We 31 MayKårsdraget konsert + dans t mindre gruppSamiNalen
Th 01 JunNick BorgensHågelbyHågelby
Fr 02 JunNytusan. Klintetten o Wretaz, 2 banorUngdomsringen Ö-götl mflLinköp. Folkets Park
Fr 02 JunStreaplersIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 03 JunNytusan Kurs,konsert. Dans fr 18 4 banoUngdomsringen Ö-götl mflLinköp. Folkets Park
Sa 03 JunSpelmans-stämma, dans från 18:00Slagsta GilleHågelby
Sa 03 JunFriska Fläktar (vid regn inställt)Täby GammeldansareTäby festplats
Sa 03 JunFinal Nalen Dixieland (dans fr 22:00)SamiNalen
Su 04 JunRed Hot Max + Coola killarYesterdayYesterday
Su 04 JunMaria sp.lag, Mariafelorna m flABF Farsta kulturkom.Farsta Gård
Tu 06 JunSumpan Big Band-Tornparken S-berg
Tu 06 JunJuniors (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 06 JunLöpsjötorparnUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
We 07 JunRädda barnen - Oden Big Band mfl (6 tim)SamiNalen***
Th 08 JunKindbergsHågelbyHågelby
Th 08 JunSven-Erik o BjörneSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Th 08 JunMr ChristerÅrstablickÅrstaliden
Fr 09 JunRansäterstämman. Dans 20:00 - 01:00Mäster OlofsgårdenRansäters hemb.gård
Fr 09 JunWizexIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 10 JunRansäterstämman. Dans 19:00 - 01:00Mäster OlofsgårdenRansäters hemb.gård
Sa 10 JunSpelmansstämma. Dans fr 15:00. Fri entréTäby spelmansgilleSkogberga Spelm.gård
Sa 10 JunLirarnaDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Tu 13 JunCavalkad (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 13 JunJacksUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 13 JunAnnica Risberg o HusbandetSundbybergs jazzklubbTornparken S-berg
Tu 13 JunGideonsSkansenSkansen*
We 14 JunFri entre. Dansbanan ligger vid badetHgf&Vändelsö GammeldansgBrandbergen N.Kron.g
We 14 Jun-wgd/wdgWärmdö Bygdegård
Th 15 JunWahlströmsHågelbyHågelby
Th 15 JunHasse Svedbergs trioSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Th 15 JunFriska FläktarÅrstablickÅrstaliden
Th 15 JunGamla polare m Ludgo-Pelle o Rosie Acc SSkansenSkansen
Fr 16 JunDriftersIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 17 JunTony LjungströmsSkansenSkansen
Sa 17 JunGideonsDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Mo 19 JunCaller Robert MilestadGrödinge Square DancersHågelby
Tu 20 JunNorrländers (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 20 JunTorbjörnsUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 20 JunHusbandetSundbybergs jazzklubbTornparken S-berg
Tu 20 JunSimonsSkansenSkansen****
We 21 JunHjalmars Jazz-Brandbergen N.Kron.g
We 21 JunRospiggarnaVantörs stadsdelsfören.Älvsjöbadet
We 21 JunNattvaket med polskedans (modernt 20:00)SkansenSkansen*****
Th 22 JunCasanovasHågelbyHågelby
Th 22 JunKultisarnaSkansenSkansen
Fr 23 JunGrindsäters + HöjlandsSkansenSkansen
Sa 24 JunGrindsäters + Charlotta WiderbergsSkansenSkansen
Su 25 JunLeif BillyzGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 26 JunBallrom Big BandSkansenSkansen
Tu 27 JunGideons (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby***
Tu 27 JunSkarvarnaUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 27 JunJuniorsSkansenSkansen
We 28 JunHarrys (instr Schottis 18:30)-Uppsala Disagården
We 28 JunMac OlssonAkalla ByAkalla By
We 28 JunWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård**
Th 29 JunSound ExpressHågelbyHågelby
Th 29 JunMac OhlsonsSkansenSkansen
Fr 30 JunCasanovasIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 01 JulSjärnduon-Brandbergen N.Kron.g
Sa 01 JulJoyrideSkansenSkansen
Sa 01 JulRocka BillyfestivalDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Su 02 JulSörmländska lekareGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 03 JulCaller Jack BorgströmGrödinge Square DancersHågelby
Mo 03 JulSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 04 JulJacks (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 04 JulMicke AhlgrensSkansenSkansen**
We 05 JulMac Olssons (instr Polka 18:30)-Uppsala Disagården
We 05 JulJuniorsAkalla ByAkalla By
We 05 Jul-wgd/wdgWärmdö Bygdegård
Th 06 JulCarina Jaarnek med JuniorsHågelbyHågelby
Th 06 JulLill-StickansSkansenSkansen*****
Fr 07 JulMicke AhlgrensIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 08 JulCleo o GrabbarnaSkansenSkansen
Su 09 JulHjulåkers spelmänGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 10 JulSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 11 JulLennarts (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 11 JulNils-ThoresSkansenSkansen
We 12 JulFolklår (instr Pariserpolka 18:30)-Uppsala Disagården
We 12 JulMicke AhlgrensAkalla ByAkalla By
We 12 JulSalsa m.m., prova på på scen. Fri entre.-Kungsträdgården
Th 13 JulMats BergmansHågelbyHågelby
Th 13 JulLeif BillyzSkansenSkansen
Fr 14 JulDateSkansenSkansen
Fr 14 JulMats BergmansIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 15 JulZlipsSkansenSkansen
Sa 15 JulSoundersDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Su 16 JulLästringe låtarGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 17 JulSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 18 Julej klart (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 18 JulTommysSkansenSkansen
We 19 JulUppdraget (instr snoa 18:30)-Uppsala Disagården
We 19 JulKarl-Erik Sandbergs-Älvsjöbadet
We 19 JulJacksAkalla ByAkalla By
Th 20 JulMicke AhlgrensHågelbyHågelby
Th 20 JulLudgo-PellesSkansenSkansen
Fr 21 JulCoola KillarSkansenSkansen
Fr 21 JulKellysIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 22 JulSound ExpressSkansenSkansen
Sa 22 JulHi LightsDunkers IFDunker, Ökna magasin
Su 23 JulMalmabygdens b-lagGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 24 JulSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 25 JulNils-Thores (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 25 JulCavalkadSkansenSkansen
We 26 JulMusik ej klar (instr vals 18:30)-Uppsala Disagården
Th 27 JulFernandozHågelbyHågelby
Th 27 JulWestlingsSkansenSkansen
Fr 28 JulHilightsSkansenSkansen
Fr 28 JulFernanozIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 29 JulStämma, Kyrkokonsert och sedan dans-Blidö Församl.hem
Sa 29 JulHjältarnaSkansenSkansen
Su 30 JulNyckelknippanGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 31 JulSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 01 AugJuniors (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 01 AugNils AndersUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 01 AugLöpsjötorparnsSkansenSkansen
We 02 AugÖstra Aros spelmän (instr sch i turer)-Uppsala Disagården
We 02 Aug-wgd/wdgWärmdö Bygdegård
We 02 AugPolskedans (instr 19:30). Robert P mflSkansenSkansen
Th 03 AugLena PålssonsHågelbyHågelby
Th 03 AugTierps SpelmanslagSkansenSkansen
Fr 04 AugTowe WiderbergsIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 05 AugSvänzonsSkansenSkansen
Su 06 AugGnesta Spelmanslag o PlayboysGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 07 AugCaller Jack BorgströmGrödinge Square DancersHågelby
Mo 07 AugSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 08 AugCavalkad (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 08 AugTorbjörnsUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 08 AugGit Skiöld m.fl.Sundbybergs jazzklubbTornparken S-berg
Tu 08 AugHedezSkansenSkansen**
We 09 AugWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård
We 09 AugPolskedans (instr 19:30). Boda-BingsjöSkansenSkansen***
Th 10 AugSannexHågelbyHågelby
Th 10 AugVolgersSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Th 10 AugStockholms SpelmanslagSkansenSkansen
Fr 11 AugSannexIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 12 AugSpelmansstämma (stämma fr 10:00)wgd/wdgWärmdö Bygdegård
Sa 12 AugWahlén o Segerblad-Brandbergen N.Kron.g
Sa 12 AugCarina JaarneksSkansenSkansen
Sa 12 AugBlack and WhiteLion´s Club ÖsteråkerStora Säby loge Åk-b
Su 13 AugPelle PoppGåsinge-Dillnäs dgHyttlöts utedansbana
Mo 14 AugSkansens StorbandSkansenSkansen
Tu 15 AugMickeys (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 15 AugJontesUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 15 AugAnita Söderberg m.fl.Sundbybergs jazzklubbTornparken S-berg
Tu 15 AugDingtunasSkansenSkansen****
We 16 AugRepris. Fri entré-Älvsjöbadet
We 16 AugDansbanan ligger vid badet. Fri entréHgf&Vändelsö GammeldansgBrandbergen N.Kron.g
We 16 AugPolskedans (instr 19:30) PolskegrisarnaSkansenSkansen
Th 17 AugMartinezHågelbyHågelby
Th 17 AugHasse Svedbergs trioSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Th 17 AugStarkens SpelmänSkansenSkansen*****
Fr 18 AugCurt HaagersIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 19 AugUttringestämman (dans ? - midnatt)Sv. Folkdansens VännerRönninge
Sa 19 AugBhonusSkansenSkansen
Mo 21 AugDave Bradish Big BandSkansenSkansen
Tu 22 AugMats Bergmans (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 22 AugMac OlssonUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
Tu 22 AugCandelaSkansenSkansen
We 23 AugTrollrike spelmän (polskekurs 15-17)-Vendels Bygdegård
We 23 AugPolskedans (instr 19:30). KMH FolkSkansenSkansen***
Th 24 AugTrollrike spelmän (Stämma från 12:00)-Vendels Bygdegård
Th 24 AugZlipsHågelbyHågelby
Th 24 AugSlokhattarnaSkälby-Barkarby bgfSkälby Gård
Th 24 AugBålsta DragspelsgilleSkansenSkansen****
Fr 25 AugMatz BladhsIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Sa 26 AugTyresta-stämman. Dans fr 17ABFTyresta by
Sa 26 AugFolkoFolk. Rumba, son, afrobeat m.m.SamiNalen
Sa 26 AugRospiggarna-Brandbergen N.Kron.g
Sa 26 AugSchyttsSkansenSkansen
Sa 26 AugAnna o viLion´s Club ÖsteråkerStora Säby loge Åk-b
Su 27 AugMogenDans, Sven-Erik och BjörneSamiNalen
Su 27 AugHjältarnaYesterdayYesterday
Tu 29 AugMicke Ahlgrens (kurs gd 18:15)HågelbyHågelby
Tu 29 AugGideonsUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge**
We 30 AugHuddinge Dragspelsklubb. Fri entréHgf&Vändelsö GammeldansgBrandbergen N.Kron.g
Th 31 AugTowe WiderbergsHågelbyHågelby
Fr 01 SepJonny Soling. Polske-workshop m Ami 19Ideella fören f danshusMusikmuseet
Fr 01 SepThorleifsIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 01 SepCasanovasMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 02 SepOkeydåLion´s Club ÖsteråkerStora Säby loge Åk-b
Sa 02 SepSpotlightsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 03 SepTango, Vals, Polska (Arne)(säsongsstart)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 03 SepZlips + WahlströmsYesterdayYesterday
Tu 05 SepGideonsHallunda FHHallunda FH
Tu 05 SepLöpsjötorparnUlvsättra BgfUlvsättra Loge
We 06 SepRaj RajEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 06 SepSäsongspremiär. Jennie L o Swing KingsJesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 07 SepRörbäcksnäs m.m.. Yvonne o TorbjörnPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 08 SepMaltesNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 08 SepDanser fr Idre. Yvonne o TorbjörnMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 08 SepMicke AhlgrensIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 08 SepBoogartYesterdayYesterday
Sa 09 SepMartinezMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 10 SepSchottis, HamboPolska FöllingeFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 12 SepGlenn-EndysHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 13 SepNacka LåtkvintettEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 13 SepHasse Ling Syncs of Swing (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 14 SepSigtuna Spelmän (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 14 SepRätanspolskor. Arne MPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 15 SepDanser fr Södra Hälsingland. ToreMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 15 SepHela Nalen GungarSamiNalen
Fr 15 SepJannez - säsongsavslutningIogt-Nto 31 DrabantenLiljekonvaljeholmen
Fr 15 SepPeriklesMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 15 SepBlack JackYesterdayYesterday
Sa 16 SepBas, Fiol och DragÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus*
Sa 16 SepVäsen,Tommy Löbel, Argentinsk tango (DJ)Omåttlig dansNalen
Sa 16 SepMasbandetGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 16 SepNick BorgensMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 17 SepChiquitasHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 17 SepHambo, Hälsingepolska (Kerstin Henry)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 19 SepMicke AhlgrensHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 20 SepHuddinge DragspelsklubbEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 20 SepSwing o Beat Big Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 21 SepSamdans och lyhördhet. Anders BPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 22 SepLöpsjötorparnsNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 22 SepDanser fr Särna. Britt-Marie o BengtMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 22 SepÄlvdalens sp-lag. Dans fr 21, instr 1830FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 22 SepLatinamerikansk aftonSamiNalen
Fr 22 SepThor-BjörnsSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 22 SepWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård***
Fr 22 SepHjältarnaYesterdayYesterday
Sa 23 SepSpelstuga. 19 Instr bondpolska Dans 20?Uppsala Folkmusikfören.Uppsala Wald.skola
Sa 23 SepSpis och Dans. Jazziorerna-Boo FH, Orminge c
Sa 23 SepStockholms SpelmanslagStockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet**
Sa 23 SepMac OlssonsTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 23 SepBlack JackMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 24 SepJontezGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 24 SepSigtuna Spelmän, LöpsjötorparnsMälarsalenMälarsalen*****
Su 24 SepTango, Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 26 SepJuniorsHallunda FHHallunda FH**
Tu 26 SepDragspelsklubben o BredängsgängetSkärholmens dragsp.klJakobsb.gård,Bredäng
We 27 SepFolkmusik, konsert m dansinslag -18:00-Sergels torg T-bana
We 27 SepBörjes SpelgängEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 27 SepTommy Löbel Swing Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 28 SepHasse Svedberg (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 28 SepBohuslän. Sonja o HassePolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 29 SepFolkmusik Konsert m dansinslag -18:00-Sergels torg T-bana
Fr 29 SepLeif Kronlunds, Jump 4 JoyNalens VännerNalen
Fr 29 SepDanser fr Gästrikland. Benno o KristinaMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 29 SepSound ExpressMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 29 SepTonixYesterdayYesterday
Sa 30 SepBoda-Bingsjö-Ekskogens bygdegård
Sa 30 SepNeon. FolkmusikfestRFoDKulturhuset
Sa 30 SepFolkoFolk. Orch. National de ParisSelam/RFoDMunchenbryggeriet
Sa 30 SepSannexMälarsalenMälarsalen
Sa 30 SepAvalonYesterdayYesterday
Su 01 OctTangostuga, polka/bakmes, Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola***
Su 01 OctHarrys-Storgården, Uppsala
Su 01 OctTowe WiderbergsHallunda FHHallunda FH
Tu 03 OctThorGöransHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 04 OctOlavis TrioEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 04 OctStolen Sweets (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen*
Th 05 OctMärsta Dragspelsgille (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 05 OctNytt sätt att dansa polska. Ulla o LennaPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 06 OctDingtunasNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 06 OctDansteknik. IngemarMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 06 OctBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 06 OctFrifot. Polske-workshop m Ami 19DanshusetMusikmuseet***
Fr 06 OctCoola killarYesterdayYesterday
Sa 07 OctAspeboda spelmanslagOrsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 07 OctBoda Spelmanslag (stämma 13-14:30)Sollentuna KulturSollentuna Bibliotek
Sa 07 OctWermdö DurspelareÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus***
Sa 07 OctNils AndersGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 07 OctJacksTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 07 OctFernandozMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 08 OctThor-BjörnsGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 08 OctSnoa. Åtabakspolska (Elisabeth o Bosse)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 08 OctNick BorgenYesterdayYesterday
Tu 10 OctJontesHallunda FHHallunda FH**
We 11 OctDalaföreningens SpelmanslagEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 11 OctTeamwork Big Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 12 OctHasse Svedberg (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 12 OctFöllingedanser. Bosse o ElisabethPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 13 OctSenpolska Gimdalen, Älvdalen. Anita o UlMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 13 OctBoogartMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 13 OctSchyttsYesterdayYesterday
Sa 14 OctSvärdsjö SpelmanslagStockholmiaBagarmossen FH****
Sa 14 OctDansfest Mix. Jump4Joy o RåmantikOmåttlig dansMusikmuseet
Sa 14 OctStreaplersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 15 OctKvaddans. Engelska. Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 15 OctKjell-ChristersHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 15 OctÖstra Aros SpelmänFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Tu 17 OctCarina JaarneksHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 18 OctStråkdragetEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 18 OctLimehouse Swing Orchestra (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 19 OctBakmesar o senpolskor. Pelle o POPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 20 OctStig Arne o Bengt BuskasNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 20 OctDanser fr Bohuslän, Orust. Sonja o HansMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 20 OctRanarim. Dans fr 21FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 20 OctBengt HedinSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 20 OctWahlströmsYesterdayYesterday
Sa 21 OctFalu, Svärdsjö sp.lag m.fl (kurs 18)-Falun Folkets hus
Sa 21 OctOlle o Mats Wallman m.fl.Bygdedansens vännerBagarmossen FH**
Sa 21 OctStockholms Spelmanslag, Hans RöjåsStockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet
Sa 21 OctMicke AhlgrensMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 22 OctPolskedialekter. Springvals. BodapolskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 22 OctJacksGDV HusbyHusby Träff**
Su 22 OctTowe WiderbergsYesterdayYesterday
Tu 24 OctKeith ElwinsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 25 OctRaj RajEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 25 OctJanne Carlboms Swingtett (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 26 OctSigtuna Spelmän (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 26 OctNåsföra, Trinnpolska. Margareta o LeifPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 27 OctGammelpolska Föllinge. Leif o MargaretaMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 27 OctWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård***
Fr 27 OctJontezFKC AlvikVästbergasalen
Fr 27 OctJannezMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 27 OctMats BergmansYesterdayYesterday
Sa 28 OctOktoberstämman. Dans ? - 01.00Uppsala Folkmusikfören.Skarholmen, Uppsala
Sa 28 OctPeo Jöniz o Satin Dolls, Bob Ellis Nat KNalens VännerNalen**
Sa 28 OctMac OlssonGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 28 OctBrasklapparna m Hasse SvedbergTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 28 OctCurt HaagersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 29 OctMogen dans t RospiggarnaSamiNalen
Su 29 OctMicke AhlgrensHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 29 OctBålsta Dragsp.gille o JonnysMälarsalenMälarsalen****
Su 29 OctMac OlssonsFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 29 OctTango. Polska (Arne)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 31 OctNordbergsHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 01 NovBålsta DragspelsgilleEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
Th 02 NovWermdö Durspelare (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 02 NovFolkliga danser från vår tid. Mats KPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 03 NovHolens orkesterNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 03 NovPer Gudmundson, Mikael MarinDanshusetStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 03 NovLöpsjötorparnsFKC AlvikVästbergasalen
Fr 03 NovSound ExpressYesterdayYesterday
Sa 04 NovKletzmer-grupp (prel)Orsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 04 NovWestlings SpelmänÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus*****
Sa 04 NovSvart Kaffe, Jennie L o Swing KingsOmåttlig dansNalen
Sa 04 NovGamla PolareTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 04 NovHedezMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 05 NovSigtuna Spelmän (till 17:30), CavalkadGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 05 NovBlack JackYesterdayYesterday
Tu 07 NovNick Borgen/Slagsta GilleHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 08 NovSvartlösa SpelmänEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 08 NovOden Big Band (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 09 NovDanska danser o höstmöte. Karin,EllgePolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 10 NovGammelvänster Oviken, Hogdal Lommeland.MälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 10 NovBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 10 NovJonnysSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Fr 10 NovCasanovasMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 10 NovNick BorgenYesterdayYesterday
Sa 11 NovFolkmusikfest. JP Nyströms,Ole HjorthNacka HembygdsgilleNacka Aula
Sa 11 NovAle Möller mfl. Konsert o dans. (120:-)-Stallet Stallgatan 7
Sa 11 NovFlamingokvintettenMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 12 NovHedezHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 12 NovFolklårFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 12 NovHumppa. NorsklejtenFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 14 NovCavalkadHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 15 NovBäsk. Konsert o dans (90:-)-Stallet Stallgatan 7
We 15 NovTommy Löbel (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 16 NovBro Låtgille (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 16 NovSörmlandspolskor. ChristinaPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 17 NovBallroom Big Band, Jumping JacksNalens VännerNalen
Fr 17 NovDanser fr Sörmland. ChristinaMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 17 NovKalle AlmlöfDanshusetStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 17 NovKlacklek. Dans fr 21FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 17 NovAvalonYesterdayYesterday
Sa 18 NovDans m Nätt och Jämnt. Obs Lokal och tidMälparingenBagarmossen FH
Sa 18 NovSkarvarnaGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 18 NovDriftersMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 19 NovMedeltidsdans, snoa, Värml.polskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 19 NovLöpsjötorparnGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 19 NovSchyttsYesterdayYesterday
Tu 21 NovMicke AhlgrensHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 22 NovHuddinge DragspelsklubbEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 22 NovJazzin TopziesJesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 23 NovSigtuna Spelmän (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 23 NovKalla Kårar. Danskväll, liten instrPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 24 NovDanser fr Danmark. Karin o EllgeMälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 24 NovDanshus, Marianne Amorsen o BlackthornKulturamaStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 24 NovWermdö DurspelareWermdö durspelareWärmdö Bygdegård
Fr 24 NovWahlströmsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 24 NovMicke AhlgrensYesterdayYesterday
Sa 25 NovArgentinsk tango, salsa, finlirOmåttlig dansNalen
Sa 25 NovKvartersgängetTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Sa 25 NovCleo o GrabbarnaMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 26 NovMogen dans t RoffesSamiNalen
Su 26 NovMartinezHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 26 NovWestlings o Walléns m Ludgo-PelleMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 26 NovUppdragetFyrisgilletStorgården, Uppsala
Su 26 NovDans-stuga, tango, polskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 28 NovMickeysHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 29 NovDalaföreningens SpelmanslagEnskedefröjden dansg.Kärrtorp Fyren
We 29 NovJambalaya (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 30 NovVärmlandsdanser. Karin o ElifPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 01 DecGideonsNya vännerMedborgarhuset
Fr 01 DecJulfest. Föranmälan.MälparingenHägerstensåsens MH
Fr 01 DecBoda SpelmanslagBoda SpelmanslagOvanmyra bystuga
Fr 01 DecPelle Björnlet, Bengt Löfberg o Erik PekDanshusetStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 01 DecMasbandetSollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Sa 02 DecTopsys minne! Arne Domnérus´, Eddie BruhNalens VännerNalen
Sa 02 DecMalungskursen (prel)Orsa SpelmanslagOrsa hembygdsgård
Sa 02 DecPaus Mats Bergl (-Värmland). Kurs 17:00Stockholms SpelmanslagMusikmuseet
Sa 02 DecRoynesTäby GammeldansareTäby c, Fören.gården
Sa 02 DecLöpsjötorparnsBro GDVFinnstasalen, Bro
Sa 02 DecHectorsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 03 DecTango, polka, RättvikspolskaFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 03 DecMac OlssonGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 03 DecMartinezYesterdayYesterday
Tu 05 DecThor-GöransHallunda FHHallunda FH
We 06 DecKustbandet (kurs 18:30)Jesses JazzklubbMariahissen
Th 07 DecKolijox (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 07 DecDanser hemifrån Dalarna. Britt-Marie,BenPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 08 DecLasse Sörlin o Lucia. Dans fr 21FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Fr 08 DecUppvisn. o dans. 140:- medl, 180:- övrSw. Swing SocietyMedborgarhuset
Fr 08 DecBhonusMälarsalenMälarsalen
Fr 08 DecJannezYesterdayYesterday
Sa 09 DecJulfest. Konsert, pub, dans. Fri entreKMHFolkMusikhögskolan
Sa 09 DecLuciafest. Åkerbypojkarna m.fl.Uppsala Folkmusikfören.Uppsala Wald.skola
Sa 09 DecBosse FranksGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan
Sa 09 DecMats BergmansMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 10 DecJonnysGDV HusbyHusby Träff
Su 10 DecMona G'sHallunda FHHallunda FH
Su 10 DecSlagsta Gille o GePe (Lucia)MälarsalenMälarsalen***
Su 10 DecHambo, Gammalpolska FöllingeFolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 12 DecOle Hjort,Jonny Soling. Ej kårlegs-krav-V-Dala Uppsala
Tu 12 DecGideonsHallunda FHHallunda FH
Th 14 DecBro Låtgille (motionsdans)Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Th 14 DecJulavslutning och LuciaPolskedansarnaÅrsta FH
Fr 15 DecSusanne Rosenberg, Anders LarssonDanshusetStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 15 DecTowe WiderbergsYesterdayYesterday
Sa 16 DecSvensk folkmusik o argentinsk tangoOmåttlig dansRönneb bygdeg Järna
Sa 16 DecSchyttsMälarsalenMälarsalen
Su 17 DecInställt!FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Su 17 DecBoogartYesterdayYesterday
Su 17 DecEfter konserten 18:00 (60:-) öppet hus?Stallet Folk&VärldsmusikStallet Stallgatan 7
Fr 22 DecTitanixMälarsalenMälarsalen
Tu 26 DecMac OlssonsTuna GilleVtuna Rosendalskolan
Tu 26 DecKadrilj o polskor (endast medlemmar)FolkmusikhusetSkeppsholmen fhskola
Tu 26 DecCasanovasYesterdayYesterday
Fr 29 DecWestlingsGDV JakobsbergAspnässkolan*****
Sa 30 DecLeif-BillyzÖrjansringenAlvik medborgarhus******
Su 31 DecThor-Björns. Anmäl sen. 15/12 08960578Sollentuna GDFRotebro Arena
Su 31 DecKindbergsMälarsalenMälarsalen