Swedish Folk Music festivals
January - May
- Midvinterstämman
Stage program, playing spontaneously, dance in the evening
- Place: Fjällenskolan Viksjö
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Järfälla Gymnasium (g p) 2025-01-18
- Spel och Dans på Tomarps kungsgård
Spontaneous playing, playing together and dance
- Place: Tomarps Kungsgård
- County: Skåne
- Size: Small
- Dance: g p?
- Fokmusiknatta
Activities in Falun all day. Courses, concerts, dance Friday and Saturday evening
- Place: Kulturhuset Tio14
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Hallunda vinterstämma
Playing spontaneously, dance at two floors with polskor and gammaldans + gillesdans. Organized by Slagsta Gille.
- Place: Hallunda FH
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Hallunda FH (g p) 2025-02-08
- Årsunda vinterstämma
new from 2019
- Place: Årsunda strandbad
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Small
- Dance: g (p)
- Latest: Årsunda strandbad (g p) 2024-02-24
- UmeFolk Folkmusikfestival
Activities for children, workshops, concerts, dance
- Place: Umeå Folkets Hus
- County: Västerbotten
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Umeå Folkets Hus (p g) 2023-02-25
- Erik Sahlströms Vinterstämma
Folk music event at Tobo
- Place: Erik Sahlström Inst
- County: Uppsala
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Folkmusikkaféets spelmansstämma
Folkmusikkafeet folk music festival
- Place: G-borg Allégården
- County: Västra Götaland
- Size: Small
- Dance: p g
- Latest: G-borg Allégården (p g) 2024-04-26
- Next: G-borg Allégården (p g) 2025-04-25 20:00
- Slottsskogsstämman
Playing all together and in bushes, singing and dance
- Place: Gräfsnäsgården Gbg
- County: Västra Götaland
- Size: Small
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Gräfsnäsgården Gbg (g p) 2024-05-18
- Årsundaruschen
Playing spontaneously, courses, stage program, dance
- Place: Årsunda strandbad
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Årsunda strandbad (g p) 2024-05-18 12:30
- Täby Spelmansstämma
Stage program, playing together and everywhere, dance indoors
- Place: Skogberga Spelm.gård
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Small
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Ekskogens bygdegård (p g) 2024-05-25
- Stockholms spelmansgilles Spelmansstämma
Playing together, singing, playing spontaneously, dance
- Place: Jakobsb.gård,Bredäng
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Small
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Jakobsb.gård,Bredäng (p g) 2024-05-26
- Hagstastämman
Folk dance, playing spontaneously, dance
- Place: Hagstad
- County: Skåne
- Size: Small
- Dance: ?
- Latest: Hagstad (?) 2024-06-01
- Rimbostämman
Courses, stage programme, playing spontaneously, dance
- Place: Rimbo Tolvmansgården
- County: Uppsala
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Rimbo Tolvmansgården (g p) 2024-06-01 13:30
- Ransätersstämman
A major dance and folk music event, with dance at four dance barns through the night. Playing spontaneously and courses.
- Place: Ransäters hemb.gård
- County: Värmland
- Size: Big
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Ransäters hemb.gård (g p) 2024-06-08
- Degebergastämman
Workshops, concerts, show for young people, basic dance instructions for beginners, dance at two dance floors
- Place: Degeberga hemb-park
- County: Skåne
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Degeberga hemb-park (g p) 2024-06-15 10:30
- Spelmansstämman i Gammelstad
workshops, playing together, dance
- Place: Luleå Gammelstad
- County: Norrbotten
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g (p)
- Latest: Luleå Gammelstad (g (p)) 2024-06-15
- Nyckelharpstämman
Now renamed to Gille- and Nyckelharpsstämman, with open stage, courses, playing spontaneously, song- and music sessions, and dance approximately 21-24
- Place: Österbybruk
- County: Uppsala
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Österbybruk (p g) 2024-06-15
- Jämtstämman
Workshop, playing together, concerts, dance
- Place: Östersund Jamtli
- County: Jämtland
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Östersund Jamtli (p g) 2024-06-15
- Folkärna Folkfest
Folkärna Folkfest is held Friday/Saturday the week before midsummer, and contains courses, dance and ´buskspel´. The event location is Folkärna Gammelgård, 10 km from Avesta in southern Dalarna.
- Place: Folkärna Gammelgård
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Folkärna Gammelgård (p g) 2024-06-15
- Leksands spelmansstämma
Dance, concerts, courses, playing spontaneously
- Place: Leksand hembygdsgård
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Big
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Leksand hembygdsgård (p g) 2024-06-29
- Västerdalsstämman
Playing together, playing spontaneously, and dance. Organizer and place varies, for 2019 it is Vansbro Spelmanslag
- Place: Rutsbrogården
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Nås (p g) 2023-07-03
- Bingsjöstämman
possibly the most popular event for many active folk musicians. Dance floor available.
- Place: Bingsjö
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Bingsjö (g p) 2024-07-03
- Östbjörkastämman
A pleasant event, not far from Rättvik. Playing spontaneously and dance at four dance floors.
- Place: Östbjörka Bystuga
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Östbjörka Bystuga (p g) 2024-07-04
- Bodastämman
Playing spontaneously, dance outdoors and in the dance barn (crowded if rain). Organized by Boda Hembygdsförening.
- Place: Boda Hembygdsgård
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Boda Gammelgård (p g) 2024-07-05
- Herräng Dance Camp
Five weeks in a row with swing dance. Courses for all levels, and evening (night) dances every day. Lindy Hop, Balboa, Boogie Woogie, Slow Drag, Solo Jazz and tap.
- Place: Herräng
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Big
- Dance: j
- Latest: Herräng (j) 2024-07-06
- Delsbostämman
Playing spontaneously, concerts, courses and dance
- Place: Delsbo Forngård
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Delsbo Forngård (p g) 2024-07-07
- Norrbostämman
Courses, singalong, visitors playing all together, dance
- Place: Norrbo Hembygdsgård
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Norrbo Hembygdsgård (g p) 2024-07-14
- Burträsksvängen
Playing spontaneously, courses, concerts amd dance
- Place: Burträsk hembygdsomr
- County: Västerbotten
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Burträsk hembygdsomr (g (p)) 2024-07-20
- Erik Sahlströms Spelmansstämma (https://www.facebook.com/groups/396334783842903/?locale=sv_SE&_rdr)
Concerts, playing spontaneously, and dance. Arranged by Vendels Hembygdsförening.
- Place: Ottarsborg (Vendel)
- County: Uppsala
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Ottarsborg (Vendel) (g p) 2024-07-20
- Pål-Anders-stämman
Concerts, dance and more
- Place: Ockelbo Pålsgård
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Ockelbo Oklagård (g p) 2024-07-20
- Bjuråkersstämman
Playing spontaneously, concerts, two dance-floors
- Place: Bjuråkers Forngård
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Big
- Dance: g m (p)
- Latest: Bjuråkers Forngård (g p?) 2024-07-21
- Korröfestivalen
An extensive event, with concerts, courses and dance
- Place: Korrö
- County: Kronoberg
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Korrö (p g) 2024-07-27
- Ljungbackastämman
Stage program, spontaneous playing and dance
- Place: Ebbalycke
- County: Blekinge
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p?
- Uddevalla Folkmusikfestival
Courses, playing together, pub music, dance
- Place: Uddevalla museum
- County: Västra Götaland
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Uddevalla museum (g p) 2024-08-03
- Folkmusikfest i Stjärnsund
Concerts, dance and spontaneous playing
- Place: Stjärnsund
- County: Gävleborg
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Stjärnsund (g p) 2024-08-03 16:30
- Ornungastämman
Workshops, family show, concerts, courses, dance
- Place: Ornunga hemb-gård
- County: Västra Götaland
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Ornunga hemb-gård (g p) 2024-08-10
- Kallingestämman
Playing together, playing spontaneusly, possibility for dance
- Place: Kallinge
- County: Blekinge
- Size: Small
- Dance: g p?
- Latest: Kallinge (g p?) 2024-08-11
- Slagsta sommarstämma
Spontaneous playing and dance
- Place: Tumba Bruk
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Tumba Bruk (g p) 2024-08-17
- Kungsträdgården
A folk music and dance event in Stockholm city
- Place: Kungsträdgården
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Medium
- Dance: g p
- Latest: Kungsträdgården (g p ö) 2024-08-18
- Nykvarns spelmansstämma
Music, crafts, dance, playing together. Free entrance
- Place: Nykvarn Smedsbygget
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Small
- Dance: ?
- Latest: Nykvarn Smedsbygget (g p?) 2024-08-18
- Kungsängens Spelmansstämma
Concerts, stage program
- Place: Kungsängens hemb.g
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Small
- Dance: ?
- Latest: Kungsängens hemb.g (g p) 2024-08-25 12:30
- Häveröstämman
Playing together and everywhere, dance floor
- Place: Häverödal Hembygdsg
- County: Stockholm
- Size: Small
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Häverödal hemb.gård (g p?) 2024-08-25
September - December
- Tobaksspinnarstämman
Playing everywhere, dance, concerts and courses
- Place: Nås
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Moraparken (p g) 2024-09-28 09:30
- Morastämman
Dance, playing folk music, classes and seminars
- Place: Moraparken
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Moraparken (p g) 2024-09-28 09:30
- Låtar på gränsen
courses, playing spontaneously and together, and concerts. Dance approximately 22-01 Friday + Saturday
- Place: Sälen Högfjällshotel
- County: Dalarna
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Södertälje Folkmusikfestival
Song and music, concerts, dance, workshops, art and activities for children
- Place: Torekällberget
- County: Sörmland
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Oktoberstämman
Stage program, concerts, dance at several places. Spontaneous playing and courses. Arranged by Uplands Spelmansförbund.
- Place: Uppsala Konsert&Kong
- County: Uppsala
- Size: Big
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Uppsala Konsert&Kong (p g) 2024-10-26
- Linköpingsstämman
A folk music event where you go to play, dance and sing yourself. Spontaneous playing, two dance floors.
- Place: Linköping Landerydsg
- County: Östergötland
- Size: Medium
- Dance: p g
- Latest: Linköping Landerydgå (p g) 2024-11-23
See also: Festivals calendar